
Notice of LINE domain name change for certain endpoints

· 約1分
C. T. Lin

According to the Notice of domain name change for certain endpoints post on LINE Developer News, the domain name of the following LINE Messaging API endpoints has been changed from api.line.me to api-data.line.me during the transition period:


// or in Bottender v0.15
const { getClient } = require('bottender');

const line = getClient('line');

await line.uploadRichMenuImage(richMenuId, imageBuffer);
const { getClient } = require('bottender');

const line = getClient('line');

const imageBuffer = await line.downloadRichMenuImage(richMenuId);

If you are using the above endpoints and methods, please make sure to upgrade Bottender to v1.3.3+ (or v0.15.18+ if using v0.x) before April 30, 2020.