Version: 0.15.17


This guide will give you some basic concepts of developing a Messenger bot. For more detail, see official docs.


To develop a Messenger bot, you need the following requirements:

  • A Page Access Token
  • An App Secret

In order to get Page Access Token and App secret, you need:

After you get a Facebook Page and a Facebook App, you can get the Page Access Token. Check the official docs. Also, remember to copy the App Secret on app dashboard. Click Show button on the dashboard and type your password to get the App Secret.

Before leaving this section, make sure you have the following requirements:

  • A Page Access Token
  • An App Secret

We will use them to develop our messenger bot later.

Build Your First Messenger Bot

The following is a partial sample code, see the full example here.

const { MessengerBot } = require('bottender');

const bot = new MessengerBot({
accessToken: '__FILL_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE__',
appSecret: '__FILL_YOUR_SECRET_HERE__',

After you fill the accessToken and appSecret, run your server and try it out by talking to your Facebook Page! It works!

Full Example

Here is the complete example for messenger-hello-world.

const { MessengerBot } = require('bottender');
const { createServer } = require('bottender/express');

const bot = new MessengerBot({
accessToken: '__FILL_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE__',
appSecret: '__FILL_YOUR_SECRET_HERE__',

bot.onEvent(async (context) => {
await context.sendText('Hello World');

const server = createServer(bot);

server.listen(5000, () => {
console.log('server is running on 5000 port...');


If you want to use your own verify token, you can pass options object into createServer() with verifyToken key.

For example:

const server = createServer(bot, {

more on Guides Server.


Bottender supports several types of events. You are able to access them via context.event. For more information, check Event Reference.

Messenger Event Properties

  • isText
  • isImage
  • isQuickReply
  • isPostback
  • isEcho
  • quickReply
  • postback
  • payload
  • ...

more on MessengerEvent Reference.

For example:

bot.onEvent(async (context) => {
if (context.event.isQuickReply) {
await context.sendText('I know this is a quick reply.');
} else if (context.event.payload === 'A_DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD') {
await context.sendText('Got you!');
} else {
await context.sendText('I do not understand.');

Send APIs

After receiving the request from Messenger, you can send API by using context send API.


Messenger introduced a messaging_type field in Messenger Platform 2.2 and it will be required starting from May 7, 2018.

When using Bottender, we automatically set messaging_type to RESPONSE when using send APIs in context so you don't need to worry about it. You can still pass other messaging_types in the options argument.

Messenger-Specific Context Send API

  • sendText
  • sendImage
  • sendGenericTemplate
  • ...

more on MessengerContext Reference.

For example:

bot.onEvent(async (context) => {
await context.sendText('Hello World!');
await context.sendImage('http://example.com/pic.png');
await context.sendGenericTemplate([
title: "Welcome to Peter's Hats",
image_url: 'https://petersfancybrownhats.com/company_image.png',
subtitle: "We've got the right hat for everyone.",
default_action: {
type: 'web_url',
url: 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=103',
messenger_extensions: true,
webview_height_ratio: 'tall',
fallback_url: 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/',
buttons: [
type: 'postback',
title: 'Start Chatting',
