Version: 0.15.17

Conversation Session

A session is a place to store data that you want to access to across requests. Each user that talks to your bot have a unique session. You can use sessions to store and access user data as they talk to your bot.

Session Expiration

You are able to set expired time for session optionally. The default value of expiration is one year after SessionStore object is created.
The expiration should be sent as a Number of minutes when you are initializing a SessionStore object.

Here is an example of creating a MongoSessionStore object with expired time:

// Session will expire after 10 minutes
const { ConsoleBot, MongoSessionStore } = require('bottender');

const bot = new ConsoleBot({
sessionStore: new MongoSessionStore(
collectionName: 'session',

Use Different Session Store

Session store is a place where session data is being stored on the server.

We implement the following kinds of session store. All kinds of bots will use memory session store as default.

  • memory - sessions are stored in memory with LRU cache and will not be persisted. See example
  • file - sessions are stored in .sessions by default. See example
  • mongo - sessions are stored in a mongo database. See example
  • redis - sessions are stored in redis based stores. See example

Session Store Configuration


import { MemorySessionStore } from 'bottender';

new MemorySessionStore(max, expiresIn);
maxNumberThe max number of items in memory cache, defaults to Infinity.
expiresInNumberOptional. Session expiration time in minutes, defaults to 365 * 24 * 60, or 1 year.


new MemorySessionStore();
new MemorySessionStore(1000);


import { FileSessionStore } from 'bottender';

new FileSessionStore(dirname, expiresIn);
dirnameStringOptional. The directory name to store session files, defaults to .sessions.
expiresInNumberOptional. Session expiration time in minutes, defaults to 365 * 24 * 60, or 1 year.


new FileSessionStore();
new FileSessionStore('my-sessions-folder');


import { MongoSessionStore } from 'bottender';

new MongoSessionStore(url, options, expiresIn);
urlStringThe mongodb connection string to your database.
optionsObjectOptional. The options object. See below for details.
options.collectionNameStringOptional. The collection name to store the sessions, defaults to sessions.
expiresInNumberOptional. Session expiration time in minutes, defaults to 365 * 24 * 60, or 1 year.


new MongoSessionStore(); // Connect to
new MongoSessionStore(
{ collectionName: 'my-sessions' }


import { RedisSessionStore } from 'bottender';

new RedisSessionStore(redisOption, expiresIn);
redisOption`StringNumberObject`The ioredis connection option to your database. See below for examples.
expiresInNumberOptional. Session expiration time in minutes, defaults to 365 * 24 * 60, or 1 year.


new RedisSessionStore(); // Connect to
new RedisSessionStore(6380); //
new RedisSessionStore({
port: 6379, // Redis port
host: '', // Redis host
family: 4, // 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6)
password: 'auth',
db: 0,
// Connect to, db 4, using password "authpassword"
new RedisSessionStore('redis://:authpassword@');

Adding Custom Session Drivers

Your custom session driver should implement the SessionStore interface. This interface contains just a few simple methods you need to implement. A stubbed store implementation looks something like this:

// @flow

class Store implements SessionStore {
init(): Promise<SessionStore> {
/* Initializes the session store */
read(sessionId: string): Promise<Session | null> {
/* Reads single session from the session store */
write(sessionId: string, data): Promise<void> {
/* Writes single session to the session store */
destroy(sessionId: string): Promise<void> {
/* Deletes single session from the session store */
all(): Promise<Array<Session>> {
/* Reads all sessions from the session store */

Manipulate Session State

See more on state.