Version: 1.3.0

Sending Viber Messages

Sending Text Messages

Use this method to send text messages.

async function SendHi(context) {
await context.sendText('Hi!');

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Text message.

Sending Picture Messages

Use this method to send picture.

await context.sendPicture({
text: 'Photo description',
media: 'http://www.images.com/img.jpg',
thumbnail: 'http://www.images.com/thumb.jpg',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Picture message.

Sending Video Messages

Use this method to send videos.

await context.sendVideo({
media: 'http://www.images.com/video.mp4',
size: 10000,
thumbnail: 'http://www.images.com/thumb.jpg',
duration: 10,

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Video message.

Sending File Messages

Use this method to send files.

await context.sendFile({
media: 'http://www.images.com/file.doc',
size: 10000,
fileName: 'name_of_file.doc',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, File message.

Sending Contact Messages

Use this method to send contact messages.

await context.sendContact({
name: 'Itamar',
phoneNumber: '+972511123123',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Contact message.

Sending Location Messages

Use this method to send a location point on the map.

await context.sendLocation({
lat: '37.7898',
lon: '-122.3942',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Location message.

Sending URL Messages

Use this method to send URLs.

await client.sendURL('http://developers.viber.com');

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, URL message.

Sending Sticker Messages

Use this method to send stickers.

await context.sendSticker(46105);

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Sticker message.

Use this method to send carousel messages.

await context.sendCarouselContent({
type: 'rich_media',
buttonsGroupColumns: 6,
buttonsGroupRows: 7,
bgColor: '#FFFFFF',
buttons: [
columns: 6,
rows: 3,
actionType: 'open-url',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
image: 'http://html-test:8080/myweb/guy/assets/imageRMsmall2.png',
columns: 6,
rows: 2,
text: '<font color=#323232><b>Headphones with Microphone, On-ear Wired earphones</b></font><font color=#777777><br/>Sound Intone </font><font color=#6fc133>$17.99</font>',
actionType: 'open-url',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
textSize: 'medium',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'left',
columns: 6,
rows: 1,
actionType: 'reply',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
textSize: 'large',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'middle',
image: 'https://s14.postimg.org/4mmt4rw1t/Button.png',
columns: 6,
rows: 1,
actionType: 'reply',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
textSize: 'small',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'middle',
columns: 6,
Rows: 3,
ActionType: 'open-url',
ActionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
Image: 'https://s16.postimg.org/wi8jx20wl/image_RMsmall2.png',
columns: 6,
rows: 2,
text: "<font color=#323232><b>Hanes Men's Humor Graphic T-Shirt</b></font><font color=#777777><br/>Hanes</font><font color=#6fc133>$10.99</font>",
actionType: 'open-url',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
textSize: 'medium',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'left',
columns: 6,
rows: 1,
actionType: 'reply',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
textSize: 'large',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'middle',
image: 'https://s14.postimg.org/4mmt4rw1t/Button.png',
columns: 6,
rows: 1,
actionType: 'reply',
actionBody: 'https://www.google.com',
text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
textSize: 'small',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'middle',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Rich Media message / Carousel content message.

Sending with Keyboard

Use keyboard option to send keyboard with the message.

await context.sendText('Hello', {
keyboard: {
defaultHeight: true,
bgColor: '#FFFFFF',
buttons: [
columns: 6,
rows: 1,
bgColor: '#2db9b9',
bgMediaType: 'gif',
bgMedia: 'http://www.url.by/test.gif',
bgLoop: true,
actionType: 'open-url',
actionBody: 'www.tut.by',
image: 'www.tut.by/img.jpg',
text: 'Key text',
textVAlign: 'middle',
textHAlign: 'center',
textOpacity: 60,
textSize: 'regular',

Which in turn will look like this:

Note: For more info, please refer to Viber's official doc, Keyboards.