Version: 1.5

Sending Telegram Messages

Bottender Playground

If you can't wait to try Telegram Bots features, we prepared a simple demo bot for you, Bottender Playground.

In the following sections, you can see a brief introduction about using Telegram APIs in Bottender.

Sending Text Messages

Use this method to send text messages. You can choose to send a message in plain text, Markdown, or HTML.

On success, the sent message is returned. You can save the returned message for further updates.

await context.sendMessage('hello');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendMessage.

Markdown Style Parse Mode

Use this method to send text messages in Markdown.

On success, the sent message is returned. You can save the returned message for further updates.

await context.sendMessage('*hello*', { parseMode: 'markdown' });

You can see the possible Markdown format below.

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Formatting Options.

HTML Style Parse Mode

Use this method to send text messages in HTML.

On success, the sent message is returned. You can save the returned message for further updates.

<b>bold</b>, <strong>bold</strong> <i>italic</i>, <em>italic</em>
<a href="http://www.example.com/">inline URL</a>
<a href="tg://user?id=123456789">inline mention of a user</a>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>
await context.sendMessage('<b>hello</b>', { parseMode: 'html' });

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Formatting Options.

Sending Rich Media Messages

Sending Rich Media in Telegram is straightforward and consistent, in the majority of the case, all you need to prepare is a URL.


Use this method to send photos. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendPhoto('https://www.example.com/example.png');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendPhoto.


Use this method to send audio. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendAudio('https://www.example.com/example.mp3');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendAudio.


Use this method to send general files. On success, the sent message is returned. Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size; this limit may change in the future.

await context.sendDocument('https://www.example.com/example.gif');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendDocument.


Use this method to send video files; Telegram clients support mp4 videos (other formats may be sent as Document). On success, the sent message is returned. Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size; this limit may change in the future.

await context.sendVideo('https://www.example.com/example.mp4');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendVideo.


Use this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). On success, the sent message is returned. Bots can currently send animation files of up to 50 MB in size; this limit may change in the future.

await context.sendAnimation('https://www.example.com/example.mp4');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendAnimation.


Use this method to send static .WEBP or animated .TGS stickers. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendSticker('CAADAgADQAADyIsGAAE7MpzFPFQX5QI');

If you are eager to know the sticker ID of existing stickers, you may refer to the following code.

module.exports = async function App(context) {
if (context.event.isSticker) {
await context.sendText(
`received the sticker: ${context.event.sticker.fileId}`

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendSticker.


Use this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message.

For this to work, your audio must be in an .ogg file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document). On success, the sent message is returned. Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size; this limit may change in the future.

await context.sendVoice('https://www.example.com/example.ogg');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendVoice.


As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos of up to 1 minute long. Use this method to send video messages. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendVideoNote('https://www.example.com/example.mp4');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendVideoNote.


Use this method to send a group of photos or videos as an album. On success, an array of the sent messages is returned.

await context.sendMediaGroup([
{ type: 'photo', media: 'https://http.cat/100' },
{ type: 'photo', media: 'https://http.cat/101' },

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendMediaGroup.


Use this method to send a location point on the map. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendLocation({ latitude: 25.105497, longitude: 121.597366 });

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendLocation.


Use this method to send information about a venue. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendVenue({
location: { latitude: 25.105497, longitude: 121.597366 },
title: 'taipei',
address: 'taipei address',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendVenue.


Use this method to send phone contacts. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendContact({
phoneNumber: '123456',
firstName: 'first',

If you have optional parameters, put them into the second argument.

await context.sendContact(
phoneNumber: '123456',
firstName: 'first',
lastName: '213',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendContact.


Use this method to send a native poll. A native poll can't be sent to a private chat. On success, the sent message is returned.

await context.sendPoll('Which one is your favorite food?', [

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendPoll.

Note: If you try to send poll in a private chat, you will get an error message like, "description": "Bad Request: polls can't be sent to private chats".


You have to enable payment provider for your Telegram Bot before sending Invoice. Use this method to send invoices. On success, the sent message is returned.

const invoice = {
title: 'product name',
description: 'product description',
payload: 'bot-defined invoice payload',
providerToken: 'PROVIDER_TOKEN',
startParameter: 'pay',
currency: 'USD',
prices: [
{ label: 'product', amount: 11000 },
{ label: 'tax', amount: 11000 },
await context.sendInvoice(invoice);

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendInvoice.


Use this method to make your bot more human-like. The status is set for 5 seconds or less (when a message arrives from your bot, Telegram clients clear its typing status). Returns True on success.

await context.sendChatAction('typing');

typing for text messages, upload_photo for photos, record_video or upload_video for videos, record_audio or upload_audio for audio files, upload_document for general files, find_location for location data, record_video_note or upload_video_note for video notes.

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, sendChatAction.

Forward Messages

Use this method to forward messages of any kind. On success, the sent Message is returned.

const chatId = 313534466;
await context.forwardMessageFrom(chatId, 'messageId', {
disableNotification: true,
const chatId = 413534466;
await context.forwardMessageTo(chatId, 'messageId', {
disableNotification: true,

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, forwardMesasge.

Sending with Reply Markup

For bot users, Reply Markup are useful guides to the next possible actions. Reply Markup in Telegram is similar to the combination of Quick Reply and Button in Messenger and LINE.

Inline Keyboard

This object represents an inline keyboard that appears right next to the message it belongs to.

const replyMarkup = {
inlineKeyboard: [
text: 'hi',
url: 'https://www.example.com',
text: 'yo',
callbackData: 'yo',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Inline Keyboards Markup, New Inline Keyboards, and Inline Keyboards(On the Fly),.


Whenever your bot sends a message, it can pass along a special keyboard with predefined reply options.

Telegram apps that receive the message display your keyboard to the user. Tapping any of the buttons immediately sends the respective command.

If you want your keyboard disappears after any tap, try to set oneTimeKeyboard to true. Set selective to true if you just want to offer keyboards to the mentioned users.

const replyMarkup = {
keyboard: [
text: 'hi',
text: 'yo',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Keyboards, Reply Keyboards, and Remove Reply Keyboard.

How To Send A Reply Markup

You will see how to send a Reply Markup in the code below.


await context.sendText(text, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendPhoto(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendAudio(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendDocument(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendVideo(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendAnimation(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendSticker(sticker, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendVoice(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendVideoNote(url, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendMediaGroup([media], { replyMarkup });


await context.sendLocation(location, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendVenue(venue, { replyMarkup });


await context.sendContact(contact, { replyMarkup });

Updating Messages

Telegram offers bots the capability to update sent messages. A Telegram bots can even delete a sent message by itself.

You can see a few update example code below.

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Update Messages

Update Text

const response = await context.sendMessage('hello');
await context.editMessageText(response.messageId, '*world*', {
parseMode: 'markdown',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Edit Message Text

Update Caption

const response = await context.sendPhoto('https://http.cat/302', {
caption: `original caption`,
await context.editMessageCaption(response.messageId, 'new caption');

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Edit Message Caption

Update Media

const response = await context.sendPhoto('https://http.cat/100');
await context.editMessageMedia(response.messageId, {
type: 'photo',
media: 'https://http.cat/302',

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Edit Message Media

Update ReplyMarkup

const replyMarkup = {
inlineKeyboard: [
text: 'hi',
url: 'https://www.example.com',
text: 'yo',
callbackData: 'yo',
const response = await context.sendMessage('hello');
await context.editMessageReplyMarkup(response.messageId, replyMarkup);

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Edit Message Reply Markup

Delete Messages

const response = await context.sendMessage('hello');
await context.deleteMessage(response.messageId);

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc, Delete Message

Rate Limits

At this moment, Telegram doesn't support sending bulk messages, e.g., notifications.

To avoid hitting rate limits, i.e., send messages to 30 users per second, consider spreading them over longer intervals, e.g., 8-12 hours. Otherwise, you'll start getting 429 errors.

For more information, please refer to Telegram's official doc about Rate Limit